
Thursday, January 31, 2013

How to nix dry skin with a Drake song....

Thanks to the wonderful Missouri winters, my skin has been very dry and itchy lately. I have tried a few different things to relieve this awful condition short of moving to Florida.

So this is my version of a milk bath, you can add 5-10 drops of your favorite essential oil (vanilla, lavender, coconut). I went with Vitamin E oil because my skin needs the extra hydration.


2 Cups powered milk
1 Cup cornstarch
5-10 drops essential oil
32 ounce jar with lid (I love mason jars with DIY chalk labels, watch for a post about that soon) :)))))

I put everything in a pitcher and stirred with a whisk. Then transferred it to the mason jar. This way I could make sure I didn't have any clumping problems with the oil. If you want to skip the extra step, just put everything in the mason jar, lid on, and shake....



Toss 1/2 Cup of the mixture into the bath, light those candles, put on your Drake/Chris Brown playlist..... and forget about everything else for at least 30 minutes.

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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Forever 29??


I have a little over a year before I am 30. Years. Old. I am not coping with this well. To lots of people 30 shouldn’t be that big of a deal. “Wait til you hit 40” they say… I’m not about to start thinking about 40yet people.

To me, 30 is the age where you need to have already known yourself, already gotten out all the “omg I can’t believe I did that” and gotten it all together. It’s a time in my life when I’m ready to be a woman instead of a girl. That’s what scares the be-ge-bes out of me.

SO… I am making this list of 30 things I need to have done before I am 30. It’s a mash up of all things I have not done yet in my life. Some are geared towards letting me hang on to my 20’s, while others are prepping me to be a 30 year old woman.

1. Go on a road trip following Route 66
2. Get another tattoo
3. Hold a five minute conversation with a native in Spanish (I'm currently up to 45 seconds)
4. Start a blog
5. Conquer my irrational fear of spiders
6. 30 days no soda. Not even diet Started on 1-14-13
7. Watch a beautiful sunset in peace with no distractions
8. Take the train to St. Louis
9. Learn to knit a scarf
10. Finish vacation scrapbook started in 2010
11. Squat 100 lbs (1 set if 12)
12. Go to a concert and learn all the songs beforehand
13. Stay awake for 24 hours
14. Go to a pro sports game in full fan getup
15. Read (finish) 12 books --- ain't nobody got time for more than that
16. Have a moonlit picnic
17. Learn an organized sport and actually play in a game of it (I played both basketball
      and soccer as a kid & was so "good" they let me keep the bench warm)
18. Learn to shoot a gun with precision
19. Get another boxer puppy
20. Go 24 hours without my cell phone turned on (did this in '10 when I went to Mexico &
      then again when I went on a cruise in '11) I went 7 days with no phone.... I want to try it
      again, not bc of being out of the country
21. Ride my bike along the Katy Trail to Green Ridge and back
22. Take a girls only trip somewhere fun
23. Swim with Dolphins
24. Go to an Esthetics's Trade Show
25. Learn to make a full course meal from scratch
26. "Adult" up my wardrobe.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Am I Watson?? And my first VLOG

 The whole reason I started this blog begins with this video right here..
One of my BFF's over at says to me one day "Make a tutorial of some New Years Eve Makeup and I'll put it on my blog". At this point, I have not even thought about starting my own blog, I wouldn't even know where to begin. BUT as this picture right here pretty much describes our friendship to a T.....
SO, I grab my camera and start recording. First I just put it on YouTube and my facebook. Then I realize how much fun it would be to do more of these videos and to try out some DIY beauty.
So this is my very first tutorial, please watch and let me know what you think!

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Thursday, January 24, 2013


Have you ever had to find the words to describe yourself to total strangers? Starting this blog has made me have to do that…. I’ve had to really think about me and who I am…. What do I do, what is interesting to me or about me… what the favorite parts of my day…are? OH GEZZUS. I do not want to think about all this….

Then for a beautiful instant, I thought of writing. "Hi I’m Terra, 5’8 with long legs, a killer sense of fashion and wit to die for"….. THEN reality sets in and I know I have to be honest….

Hi, I’m Terra. “Petite” at 5’4 with legs to match, I wear all black every day (Hazard of working at a spa) and am so UNwitty that I have to stare at the screen with the black bar flashing at me with a vengeance until I figure out something catchy to say J

WHAT DO I DO>>> Esthetics… I work at a Day Spa and love it. I am an Esthetician and that is one of the hardest words to spell in my vocabulary….  Facials, Chemical Peels, Wax and makeup MAKE UP the majority of my day.  

WHAT IS INTERESTING TO ME OR ABOUT ME>>>>>> Health & Fitness, All things beauty and anything to do with being social…. That last one is hard for me to say… My husband has told me that I need a “Social Media Anonymous” group to join. Find me on Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest…. I am sure I’ll be adding to that list.


WHAT THE FAVORITE PARTS OF MY DAY ARE>>>> Morning coffee in bed takes the top of the cake.  I don’t let ANYTHING get to me from 7:30-8:00 in the morning…. I can already hear my mommy friends… Yes, that is sleeping in late J My other favorite part of the day is gymtime. I LOVE working out. It makes me feel amazing inside and out. EXCEPT CARDIO. I only run because I know I will want a glass of wine at the end of the day.


SO… that’s me and this is my blog. The adventures of a beauty and fitness junkie. Follow and have a glass of wine with me... as long as it's moscato.

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